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"Across field, lab, and online studies, our research documents that other humans are more likely to capture the attention of lower-class indivials than the

问答分类 索菲亚 咨询 整体衣柜 网友:老太婆心态好 来源:装修问答网 2024-07-05


  • 1、"Across field, lab, and online studies, our research documents that other humans are more likely to capture the attention of lower-class indivials than the attention of higher-class indivials," said team leader Pia Dietze, from New York University.



  • "Across field, lab, and online studies, our research documents that other humans are more likely to capture the attention of lower-class indivials than the attention of higher-class indivials," said team leader Pia Dietze, from New York University.


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